In a recent resolution passed by the state government of Maharashtra in India, it gave a formal approval to the diversion of 4.99 hectares of zudpi jungle forest land for vocational bamboo research and training centre at Chichpalli in Chandrapur district.
The government resolution issued mentioned that the approval was given following careful consideration of the compliance report submitted by Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and the nodal officer. In exercise of powers delegated to it, the state government had in August 2015 accorded in-principle approval for diversion of the land and laid down certain conditions for the final approval, which has now been granted.
The formal approval again sets out a list of conditions like legal status of forest land will remain unchanged, the land shall not be used for any other purpose than specified in the project, not more than 50 trees per hectare should be felled for construction or other activities.
The user agency will defray the cost of felling or removal of required trees, and it will be the user agency’s responsibility to ensure that no damage is caused to the surrounding forest flora and fauna. Non-compliance of any of the conditions mentioned in the order shall amount to violation of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, and liable for suitable action.