Raktim Das

Raktim Das is a senior media professional, strategy & business development expert and an ardent proponent of the social, economic & environmental advantages of Bamboo. He can be reached at raktim@raktimdas.in


Bamboo toothbrushes – servicing hygienic & environmental needs

Every time we visit a dentist, he or she will invariable tell us how essential it is to brush our teeth well. The dentist will also recommend replacing our toothbrushes regularly for a healthy dental care. Now consider this – assuming we replace our toothbrushes once in every three months and if …

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What ails bamboo sector development in India?

From a ‘poor man’s timber’ to green gold’, bamboo is fast emerging as the super material of the 21st century. It is one of the fastest growing and highest yielding renewable natural resource making it a good substitute to wood in mitigating pressure on natural forests. Bamboo is a family of grass…

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