Close to nature Sound with Bamboo Speakers

bamboo-speakers.00_jpg_srbBamboo has been used as musical instruments since ancient times.  In India, Bamboo Flutes are very popular and is a highly respected musical instrument. These are used by the common man in villages to highly revered maestros of classical music. Fast forward to your modern home. Enjoy the close to nature feel with Bamboo Speakers. They look great. Apart from being simply gorgeous, bamboo has amazing acoustic properties as well. Bamboo has also recently been used for the manufacture of guitars. Natural beauty and inherent acoustic properties aside, Bamboo is ecologically friendly and has unrivalled capacity to capture carbon. It a family of grass and not a tree, it matures quickly in as little as three to five years, much faster than hardwood trees which can take upwards of twenty years or more to reach maturity.

 Image courtesy: Bamboo Factory Product Content Hub is India’s First Bamboo Advocacy and Bamboo Entrepreneurship Development Digital platform.

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